We also offer Operator Licence advice, as part of our wide range of services! Bell Transport & Logistics has some of the best knowledge in-house to assist you in every way possible. We have over 20 years in the industry our Managers are more than happy and well equipped to sit down and discuss any questions or needs you potentially have.

Operator Licence Applications

Here at TMconsultant we undertake your new operator licence application on your behalf, ensuring everything is in order before sending your application to the  Traffic Commissioner. We can also help with licence variations and changes in operating your centre arrangements.

We will assist by using the  new online operator licence application process or by using the paper/post system. Either way, our job is to ensure your application is complete and correct prior to application. We will be there throughout the whole process, from completing the application form, collating all ancillary documents, proofreading, sending to the central licensing office in Leeds and correspondence.

Do I need an Operator Licence?

If you intend to operate vehicles over 3,500 kg gross vehicle in weight (GVW) in the UK, or you intend to operate vans with a  maximum authorised mass (MAM) over 2,500kg (2.5 tonnes) and up to and including 3,500kg (3.5 tonnes) in the EU you will need an operator licence.

For vehicles that will be used to carry goods on public roads for trade or business purposes, operators will need one of three types of operator licence. This includes short-term rental vehicles hired for as little as one day.

There are three types of licence.

Standard national licence

This licence means you can carry:

  • Your own goods in the UK and internationally
  • Other people’s goods in the UK

You can also take loaded trailers to or from ports within the UK as part of an international journey, as long as your vehicles do not leave the country.

Standard international licence

This licence means you can carry your own goods, and other people’s goods, both in the UK and on international journeys.

After you get a standard international licence, you can also request the issue of a  UK Licence for the Community. A UK Licence for the Community allows:

  • Trips between all EU member countries
  • Transit traffic through EU member countries
  • Cabotage (a journey entirely within one EU country)

Restricted licence

This licence allows you to carry your own goods, but not other people’s goods.

Your licence will continue to be valid as long as you  pay your continuation fee every 5 years and operate within the terms of your licence. You’ll be contacted every 5 years to make sure that your licence shows the correct information.

Contact the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) if you have any questions about vehicle licences.

Do I need to appoint a Transport Manager?

If you’re applying for Standard National or International Operators License then yes, you will need to appoint a Transport Manager as part of your application. If you haven’t already appointed Transport Manager or you’re unsure about the requirements, please  get in touch for advice. We can provide you with all the information you require and appoint a Transport Manager as part of our  Transport Manager finding service.

How much does it cost for TMconsultant to help?

We charge a flat fee of £475.00 + vat for a new Operator Licence application or major change. Applications can also include adding/removing an operating centre, multiple operating centres, moving to a different traffic area & increasing or decreasing fleet/trailer size. We cover all your needs & eventualities!

Also, when applying for a goods vehicle operator’s licence, you’ll have to pay additional government fees which are:

  • A one-off fee payable for new applications or major changes – £257.00
  • A fee for the issue of a licence – £401.00
  • A fee for the issue of an interim licence (if applicable) – £68.00
  • A continuation fee every 5 years to keep your licence active – £401.00

What else do I need?

  • You will need an operating centre. Somewhere to park your vehicle(s) overnight
  • A correspondence address if different from your operating centre address
  • An advert in your local paper to inform the area you are applying for an operating licence. We will help you with this, however, there will be a cost of around £200 payable to the publication
  • Enough money you can get ready access to. Please see the current rates below for financial standing

How long will it take to get my operator licence?

This will depend on a number of factors. Operator Licencing says it will take around nine weeks, however, due to recent events means it could take much longer. If you are in a hurry it may be prudent to apply for an interim licence. An interim license is essentially a temporary licence. Again we will help you with this. It is worth noting, however, that the speed on which an interim licence is granted is dependant on the main application being all present and correct.

What we will do for you!

  • Give you advice on the type of Licence required
  • Completion of the necessary GV79 application form either via the on-line or paper/post version and interim applications
  • Completion and advice regarding the TM1 form if required (Standard and International Licenses)
  • Provision of the necessary contract for external transport managers (if you need to appoint a transport manager, we can help  click here for details).
  • Preparation of maintenance agreement
  • Preparation of operating centre usage consent letter (if using a third party premise)
  • Provision of the correct newspaper article with correctly worded public notice
  • Proofreading/checking of all required documentation
  • Liaison with the Traffic Commissioners Office during the application process
  • After-sales advice and support.

What are the current rates for financial standing?

As of 1st January 2020 the rates for a Standard Licence application are:

First vehicle£8,000
Additional vehicles£4,450

For a Restricted application they are:

First vehicle£3,100
Additional vehicles£1,700

Why is this important to my application? You will be required to show evidence that you have the required funds within your business to cover maintenance and any unforeseen costs that may arise whilst running your fleet of vehicles. This money can be shown as an average balance in your bank account over several months, savings or an agreed overdraft facility.

Why use us?

One of the biggest reasons for a delay in applications being granted is because of mistakes on the application, provision of incorrect ancillary documentation or issues with the TM1 form. By using our services we will have tackled any issues prior to application so you can be rest assured your application will go through smoothly as possible. Our aim is to make your Operator License application a hassle-free process, so you can focus on running your business.

How do I get more information?

If you would like more information or would like to talk through your operator licence application, please don’t hesitate to  get in touch. We’re here to share the knowledge!